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  • Emerging” means we are constantly changing and that’s good.
  • Community” means we are people who care about people and have a sense of togetherness and belonging.  Because we are very different people, separated by time and space, but joined together by common faith, values, and mission, our community is intentional.   Because our virtual village spans a planet, we have to work hard at community. We take community seriously and we are always looking for better ways to do it
  • Defined by faith and mission” means that we believe some things don’t change.
  • Crossing boundaries” means we are adventurous and not afraid to make mistakes.
  • To open up new areas” means closed areas within the 10/40 Window and old areas within the 60/60 Window.
  • Preparing new ways” means all that John the Baptizer meant  in Jn.1.23 and more.
  • To bring” means we have a message and we’re not ashamed to tell our story.
  • Justice and mercy and beauty” define our ethical and aesthetic interests and the kinds of things we are involved in.
  • To all nations” describes the scope of our mission.


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